Let’s talk about using your email list to educate, inform and sell as well as the dos and don’ts.

Encourage, Inform and Sell

To build a long-term relationship with your subscribers it is important not to be a used car salesman.  You know that feeling you get when people are “salesy”….yes well, none of us really like that so we don’t want to be that way with our subscribers right?!

Have you ever gotten the feeling that your money was more important than you were when you were talking to someone about their products or services?  It didn’t make you feel that great did it?  If YOU don’t like feeling that way why would you want to make your subscribers feel like that?  I know you wouldn’t, which is why I suggest using the 3:1 rule.  This means you would send 3 informational emails then 1 promotional email.  This is for when you are sending an automated series or a nurture sequence.

6 Important Things to Remember as you Educate, Inform and Sell to your subscribers.

  1. Know their buying cycle.  The type of email you send is going to depend on where the subscriber is in the buying cycle.
  2. Add value.  Every email you send, whether it’s an informational email or a promotional email, should add some sort of value.
  3. Spice up your transactional emails.  Use these emails to ad a cross-sell or upsell.  You can also use these emails to give a little extra(think freebies).  This will leave an impression with your buyer that will make them want to work with you or buy from you again in the future.
  4. Repurpose old content for your list.  There are so many ways to repurpose older content.  Not everyone has seen ALL of your content so, keep your content working for you!
  5. Poke the dragon. Sometimes blunt, descriptive reminders of situations and pain points can cause people to take action.
  6. Always show enthusiasm.  When you are promoting something make sure that you are being enthusiastic.  Tell them why they will wish that they would have had {insert promo here} earlier.

As always, I hope you’ve enjoyed Educate, Inform and Sell here on the Virtual Assistant Advantage podcast.

I hope you have a great rest of your week, stay safe, and I look forward to connecting with you again next week!


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educate, inform and sell

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