In this week’s episode, we continue our series on email marketing.  Today we talk about 7 ways you can write more engaging emails.

7 ways you can write more engaging emails

You always want your audience to look forward to getting and opening your emails.

7 Ways You Can Write More Engaging Emails

  1. Personalize EVERYTHING. To do this, remember to ask for their name in your lead magnet subscription form.  Emails will feel more personal to the receiver when you see that it has been personalized specifically to them.
  2. Invite them to connect with you on other platforms that you frequent.  People still forget to open emails.  Invite them to connect with you using other platforms that you are most active on.  This will make them feel more of a connection with you.
  3. Craft thoughtful subject lines.  Don’t use a clickbait title unless it has something to do with the email you are crafting to send out.  I like using questions in my subject lines.  This way, when the reader sees the question and it piques their interest, or they answer “yes” to it, they are more likely to open and read that email.
  4. Only send useful emailsYa know that old saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? Well, I’m going to revamp it a little into, “If you don’t have anything of value to say, don’t email anything at all”.  Don’t send emails just to be sending emails.  It is true that you don’t want there to be long periods of time between emails. However, you also want each of your emails to be packed with value to keep your subscribers waiting for more.  Also, if you have decided to take a short break, let your readers know so they do not feel as though you dropped off the face of the earth.
  5. Use your real name.  The days of being anonymous are long gone! People will feel more of a connection with you if they see that you are not hiding who they are from their readers.  Show yourself and your own personality and people/subscribers will connect with you on levels that you didn’t realize.
  6. Add value.  You want your audience to be excited to get and open your emails.  They will be excited to open your emails because they know that they will be gaining ideas and knowledge that they may not have gotten otherwise.  You should use your words in order to make them feel special and important.
  7. Test EVERYTHING.  Never assume that things are going to work like they are supposed to.  Always test and try to improve what you are doing.  Also, it is a great idea to test the time of day you are sending your emails.  Do you have more people opening your email in the morning or at night?  Do they seem to be opening your emails at lunchtime when they are taking a break?  Tailor when your emails are sent to optimize when you are most likely to get the biggest amount of emails opened.

By putting in a little extra time and effort you will see what makes your audience feel more important and special.

Next week, as our final episode in our email marketing section, we will be talking about why it is a good idea to have more than one list.

As always, I want to say thank you to our sponsor Katie Hornor and invite you to visit the website


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