Encouraging Conversation with Your Email List
Let’s talk about encouraging conversation with your email list. As you email your list, build relationships by encouraging 2-way conversations. You can build good relationships through email messages. The key is to communicate effectively by giving them something interesting to think and talk about. These strategies and tips can help you start very informative and…
Why You Should Send Emails Regularly
In today’s episode, we will talk about 7 reasons why you should send emails regularly. A lot of people spend a tremendous amount of time building an email list, yet they seldom send out emails because they are scared that people will begin to unsubscribe. But, if you are sending VALUE FILLED emails on a…
Choose Automation Wisely
Let’s talk about how to choose automation wisely. My, personal, email automation software of choice is Active Campaign. Email automation can be the difference between making a steady income or no income at all so, you want to be sure to choose your automation wisely. Some examples of trusted software: leadpages.net Active Campaign Drip AWeber…
Introverts vs. Extroverts
Introverts vs. extroverts. Do you know which one is better at business? Well, the truth is both have tendencies or characteristics that help them in business. Let’s talk a little about introverts and extroverts Obviously, they show up differently in the world, in relationships and, you guessed it, in business! If you were to ask…
Important Elements to Include in Your WordPress Website
Today I’d like to talk about the important elements to include in your WordPress website. 9 elements to include in your website A well-designed header and logo. You want your header and logo to convey your brand as well as the benefits of your site. Clear navigation – You want to make certain that your navigation…
All About Analytics
Today we are talking all about analytics, and specifically what analytics can do for you to help you grow your business. Our focus will be on Google Analytics, why you want to install Google analytics on your website, and how it can help you. I choose to focus on Google Analytics because Google is the…