Today I’d like to talk about the important elements to include in your WordPress website.

Important Elements to Include in Your WordPress Website

9 elements to include in your website

  1. A well-designed header and logo. You want your header and logo to convey your brand as well as the benefits of your site.
  2. Clear navigation – You want to make certain that your navigation bars are very easy to navigate and contain links to all of the most important pages on your website.
  3. Add additional navigation – A great example of some additional navigational tools to add to your site is a search bar.  It will make it so much easier for people to be able to find what they are looking to find on your site.  It will also help to keep them on your site longer.
  4. An “About Me/Company” page – You will find that this will most likely be the most visited page on your website.  Be sure to add a good headshot for a profile picture, links to your social media profiles, and what next steps you are wanting your visitors to take.
  5. Contact information – At the very least create and have a contact form on your website if you are not comfortable having people contact you by phone.  If you do not mind getting phone calls but don’t feel comfortable using your personal phone number you can always create a Google number and the calls will go directly to your phone.
  6. Concise  Value  Proposition – You should have a  statement on the main page of your website which tells what value your site brings.
  7. Proof elements – These are used to increase your credibility.  Some examples of these are screenshots of people’s results from working with you, testimonials, links to podcasts you’ve been on, and a type of social proof.
  8. Social proof – Social media buttons.  You can use the plugin called “Add to Any”.  These buttons should make it easy to share things from your site to people’s social media, as well as making it easy for people to get to your social media sites in order to follow you and stay in touch with you.
  9. First-class content – The most important thing is that you are always striving to produce first-class content on topics that your audience finds important.  Show people your uniqueness and the unique ideas that your followers will benefit from.

I hope that these things I have learned over the years of my journey as a VA help you and/or someone you know and I can’t wait to see what you think about next week’s podcast.


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