Today I’m answering the question: “What are the top three things to do before I start building up clientele as a virtual assistant?” Now, one of the best things you can do is choose a niche, but since I already talk a lot about choosing a niche, I would like to focus on other things you can do as well. Here are the top three things you can do when you are starting to gain clientele as a virtual assistant, besides choosing a niche: build your lead or onboarding system, create a website/portfolio of your products, and create some packages.

Building Your Lead or Onboarding System

The first thing you will want to do is build your lead or onboarding system. You have to find a way to capture the leads that you have coming into your business. Hopefully that’s going to be a lot of leads, so you need something that’s going to capture their information and give you an opportunity to set up a free consult with them. Personally, I use Honeybook for this. In the description below, I will add my link to Honeybook because it will give you a discount code for you to use. Honeybook is a CRM (customer relations manager), and it will help you track your leads and see what part of the onboarding or lead process they are on. On Honeybook, they will have an inquiry where they go and fill out a form on your website. Then you can have them set up a free consult, and you will want to send them a proposal. From there, you will get them to sign the proposal, pay your invoice, and then they become a client.

Creating a Website or Portfolio of Your Products

The second thing you will want to do is create either a website or a portfolio PDF download that shows your products and/or services. With this, you will basically use your website to summarize what you can do for an individual. If you don’t have a website, it is still a good idea to have examples of your work and a list of your services in a PDF that you can send to people. Canva is a great place to create this PDF and make it visually appealing to potential clients.

Creating Packages

The third thing that you want to do before you start bringing on new clients create some packages. You can do hourly packages or packages based on the service. For example, a package for email marketing or email management. You get choose what your packages will be and what they offer, and you need to have those packages chosen now. Two of the things that I recommend when it comes to packages are that 1. You don’t make too many and 2. You don’t make it confusing. It needs to be very straightforward for them, and it needs to explain exactly what the end result of the package is. For the clients, it’s all about giving them results. What are you helping them do? You need to tailor your packages to the needs of your clients. Figure out your client’s greatest need, and that is what your package should be.

Get a discount with my Honeybook link:

I hope that this has encouraged you to get started on building your own virtual assistant business.  Remember, choose a niche, but then also build your lead onboarding system, create a website or portfolio for your business, and finally, create packages.


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